
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Let's Find a Cure

Being in the senior housing industry, I see and meet those with dementia or Alzheimer's every day. Or if I'm not meeting them I'm meeting their families and care givers. From a professional standpoint Alzheimer's is tough. From a personal standpoint it's excruciating

My Gramps, my mother's dad, has been experiencing a mental health decline for the past several years. We now have the diagnosis of Alzheimer's - and even though we knew that to be a possibility all along it's still a great blow. There is no cure. There is no getting better.

What was once a vibrant, social, hardworking, independent man, is now a quiet, reserved, and totally-dependent-on-my-mom person. Not only is this rough on him but it's devastating for my mom. However, she carries it like a champ! She's a true advocate for him and is totally devoted, especially since her mother, my Gampi, passed away almost two years ago. I can't imagine those that don't have a daughter like her to look after them or those that don't have the monetary resources for homes such as where I work.

This is why finding a cure for Alzheimer's is so crucial. With the baby-boomer generation getting older and our life spans getting longer, more and more will receive this diagnosis every year. The research and support that is provided by the Alzheimer's Association is amazing and my family whole-heartedly supports them. This year we did the annual Alzheimer's Walk with my whole family. My mom won an award for individual contributor and fund-raiser. She also (in my book) wins an award for being an amazing daughter and advocate for my Gramps. 

For more information on how you can help, visit 

Monday, September 14, 2015

My Big Boy

Big news in our household!!! Conrad started pre-school! Our little guy (who will be 3 in October) started at a new "big boy school" on Aug. 31st. And boy were there tears. Lots from both him and me. The first day he was very excited: that curly mop!

However, once it set in that this was an all-day, every-day affair the novelty wore off and he freaked out. I don't blame the kid - for the past almost 3 years he was with his daycare provider, Farzaneh, almost one on one the whole time. She had him since he was 4 months old and she was like a grandmother to him. He was totally spoiled! So he went from that to a class of 22 kids (and this kid doesn't like a lot of loud noises or ruckus) with lots of structure and schedules. It was a lot for him to get used to, poor guy. Things have gotten better but only after I had to have a conversation with the principal about receiving help from the teachers at drop-off. I kid you not, I absolutely need someone to peel him off me each morning. It's now an unspoken agreement between me and Sean that he does drop offs whenever possible because I can't handle the sadness - I end up running to my car and bawling :(

I know he'll adjust and get better and that this will be good for him in the end - hey it spurred his potty training and now he's fully potty trained before age 3! For baby boy #2 we will definitely put him in sooner in hopes that it will be an easier adjustment. It's these times that make me desperately want to be a SAHM but it's just not in the cards (or bank) for us. Major mom guilt here - what's a mom to do?!